Handle me
24K gold-plated stainless steel sound installation, custom subwoofer, original music Handle me
26 x 30 x 60 cm (10.2 x 11.8 x 23.6 in)
Commissioned by DIOR

Handle me is commissioned by DIOR for the renowned international traveling exhibition Lady Dior as Seen By. Designed by Yang Bao, the 24K gold-plated sound sculpture is insulated within a soundproof glass chamber. Powerful sound waves drive the subwoofer to pulse like a beating heart. Multiple layers of golden rings amplify the pulses and sound waves, creating their own music based on the vibrations. The sonic sculpture visualizes the energy of sound through movement and optical illusion. The artist intentionally compresses the powerful booms into a small glass chamber, so that the bursting sound waves of the sound installation would circulate within the enclosed space, performing on its own concert stage. Only muffled beats and faint melodies would leak outside, like the attractive sounds coming from a dance club next door, seducing the curious passerby to imagine the groove inside the golden boombox.

Available on all music platforms worldwide, Yang Bao’s electronic music Handle me—Lady Dior Mixtape along with vocals by Wa Liu and himself is dedicated to the sound installation. It employs Dolby Atmos spatial audio technology to transport the listeners into the installation, like driving in the silent space while observing the passing stars disappearing into the dark vacuum.

The beating and booming sculpture of sound is inspired by the timeless elegance of the Lady Dior handbag, as well as the street culture of the boombox, which Bao personally experienced growing up in New York City in the early 2000s. This multi-sensory artwork transforms the bodily energy of sound into powerful visuals and simultaneously turns visual stimulations into infinite imaginations of sound. Handle me is an audacious amalgamation of high fashion and street culture, challenging our senses with the vitality within the mundane.

Handle me
24K 镀金不锈钢声音装置、特质低音炮、原创音乐《Handle me》
26 x 30 x 60 cm (10.2 x 11.8 x 23.6 in)

《Handle me》由迪奥委任,并受邀参与其全球巡回展览 “LADY DIOR 我之所见 (Lady Dior As Seen By)”。这件24K 镀金声音雕塑由鲍杨设计,强大的声波驱动低音炮像心脏一样剧烈跳动,层层叠叠的金环也随之颤动和发声,如同一条震颤的时空隧道,吸引着观众的目光,放大视错觉的迷幻体验。艺术家特意将猛烈的轰鸣声压缩在一个狭小的玻璃体之内,让呼之欲出的声波在密闭的空间中循环,形成一个自我的声音景观。然而观众隔着玻璃,仅能听到隐约的震动和旋律,就像隔壁俱乐部的狂欢一样诱人,只能用耳朵去想象这首“看得见的音乐”。

这首“看得见的音乐”由鲍杨作词作曲演奏,并与刘娃演唱,着重探索低频声音的物理性能量,与灵动的人声旋律产生鲜明对比。鲍杨的同名单曲合集《Handle me—Lady Dior Mixtape》也在开幕当天于全球各大音乐平台首发。这场线上音乐实验运用杜比全景声空间音频技术,让听众仿佛置身于声音装置之内,全方位地感受双耳之间无限的想象力——如同在寂静的宇宙中驾驶,看着飞过的星星消失在漆黑的太空。

这件不断震动和轰鸣的声音雕塑以 Lady Dior 手袋历久弥新的优雅造型为灵感,并融合鲍杨在2000年代初的纽约成长时所经历的街头文化标志——Boombox 双卡收录机,如同一位爆发着生命力的表演者,将声音的肢体性能量转化为视觉冲击力,同时又将视觉的刺激抽象化为听觉的无穷想象。艺术家将迪奥的高级时装和张扬个性的街头文化大胆融合,挑战观众的感官并释放寻常生活中所蕴藏的生命力。


First Day on Mars
