Organ Timer
Outdoor stainless steel sound installation, spatial-audio composition
1.5 x 1.5 x 8m (5 x 5 x 26 ft)

Hear A Century Ahead
Indoor titanium-coated stainless steel sound installation, brass pipe, two-channel video, spatial-audio composition
12 x 6 x 4 m (40 x 20 x 13 ft)
Exhibited at Former British Consulate, Shanghai
Commissioned by LOUIS XIII

The indoor and outdoor site-specific sound sculptures present an ever-evolving soundscape through the lens of reductionism and emergence, commissioned by LOUIS XIII. Through sonic sculpture and video, a century of time is condensed into a split second, while this momentary existence simultaneously evolves and morphs into infinite possibilities.

Within the installations designed by Yang Bao, his spatial-audio composition Infinity Music mutates and refracts in infinity according to the progression of time and chance. With different densities and intensities, his music travels in space while stimulating the metal instrument to create its own sound. The echos of the past and the future meet within the metal structure, where a breathing and ever-morphing sculpture of sound emerges. The two-channel video by Yang Bao and Wa Liu flows on the surface of the metal instrument, delineating the traces of time in nature. Every viewer can experience the energies of this work differently. This multi-sensory installation grows and evolves spontaneously over time, regenerating into a "soundmass" with mesmerizing changes in color and texture while allowing us to hear a century ahead. 

Dedicated to the two sound installations, Bao’s album Godspeed is a 24-hour album in Dolby Atmos spatial audio. Based on his concept of Infinity Music, this album starts at midnight and continues to evolve throughout 24 hours. Bao uses spatial audio to create sounds that travel, echo and multiply in the virtual soundscape, which is experienced in both chaos and synchrony. At any hour of the day, the audience can immerse in the ever-evolving soundscape and feel the different bodily energy of this breathing and morphing soundmass.

Organ Timer
1.5 x 1.5 x 8 m (5 x 5 x 26 ft)

Hear A Century Ahead
12 x 6 x 4 m (40 x 20 x 13 ft)


由鲍杨设计的金属声音雕塑内,传出他无限时长的空间音频作品 “永久音乐 Infinity Music”,通过偶发的组合产生异变,随机地穿梭在他设计的两件装置中,并以不同密度和强度持续触发巨型金属乐器的震动。过去与未来的声音在金属之间叠加,涌现成一个不断呼吸和变形的声音雕塑。他与刘娃为本次项目特殊拍摄的双频影像, 伴随着声音的脉搏流淌在金属表面,在光影流转之间呈现自然界中时间的痕迹。每一位观众都可以在不同时间和位置感受这件作品截然不同的肢体性能量。这件多感官的装置作品在日积月累的自由演化中,自我再生为一个色彩与质感持续变幻的“声命体”。



